We always welcome new patients!
On your first visit with us, we take the time to complete a comprehensive examination of overall health. We start with an overview of your medical and dental history then we’ll perform a head and neck exam. The assessment also includes:
Oral cancer screening
Teeth and gum charting
Dental photographs, if required
Dental x-rays, if required
Molds of teeth, when indicated
The procedure generally lasts about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how involved the examination becomes. Once we’re finished, we’ll discuss our findings and diagnosis with you. We’ll devise a treatment plan that’s customized to your individual needs. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled as necessary, based on the agreed treatment plan. You should always feel comfortable asking us any questions or raising concerns you may have. We will do our utmost to provide the information you’re looking for to put you at ease.
You can book your appointment today by contacting us:
Phone: (613) 777.5050