Our office realizes the value that dental implants present for patients. As such we are proud to use a cost-leadership strategy and excellent supply chain management to be able to provide you with affordable dental implant solutions.
Our fees start at $999 for the placement on a single implant and range to $30000 for the provision of full mouth implants. We also do not charge for additional procedures which may be part of concurrent surgical procedures. Detailed fees are listed below.
1) Single Dental Implant + Crown - $1499+$1501
2) Single Dental Implant + Sinus Lift/Bump/Bone Graft + Crown - $3500
3) Two Dental Implants + Two Locators for your Denture - $3000
4) Four Dental Implants + Four Locators for your Denture - $6000
5) Five Dental Implants + Fixed Porcelain Upper Bridge - $20000-$25000
6) Ten Dental Implants + Fixed Upper and Lower Bridge - $40000-$50000
Call our office today and find out if dental implants are a solution for you.